Saturday 20 December 2008

20th December

Done nothing but housework today and while I feel pleased I have got my house looking nice and christmasi, done the washing, decorated the Christmas cake, finished wrapping pressis I can't help but feel like I have lost a day of my weekend!

So no writing done today either!!! Is there any hope for me! (Don't answer that lol)


Su_H said...

Answering it now!!! Yes while you were doing ALL that your daughter was eating sweeties with her mates and writing about it on Facebook...tell you anything?!

E Challinor said...

That's Christmas - same here...housework, but my study is nice and tidy LOL. Ready for writing.

Don't worry - we can write tomorrow when we are at Arbor Low. I know...sounds impossible but nothing is more impossible than trying to write at home at the momement!